If you’ve been through the home selling process a time or two, you may be tempted to sell your home on your own without a realtor. Certainly with so much information available from listing apps to simple seller contracts, it might seem like a no-brainer.
Your reasons may be many and varied. While Millennials are most likely to pursue FSBO arrangements, other factors make it attractive. By looking through these key points, you can determine if selling For Sale By Owner or working with a Realtor is your best option.
You get to keep the commission that you would have paid out.
You already have a qualified, interested buyer
You can find your own comparable properties online to get pricing
Flexible schedule and can show my home to prospective buyers
Post my own photos and data through social media and online apps.
While millennials are the most likely to use the FSBO arrangement, some circumstances will lend themselves to the process. Having a prospective buyer or Selling to someone you already know. But even if you live in a great area with a hot property, a Realtor has been trained to navigate the uncertain waters of home buying. When you sign on the dotted line it is legally binding. Understand your contract. These actionable steps
can help you negotiate as FSBO.
Realtor Pros
Realtor Cons
Even if you have gone through the home purchase/home sale before, it won’t make you an expert any more than driving a car makes you a mechanic. Government regulations continue to change and become more stringent. That may not be something you’re keeping up with, but you better believe your agent is. They are extremely knowledgeable about the laws, the market and staging. They know what people are looking for and how to present it. It’s their job to know. That information translates to savings of time and money, increased sales dollars by knowing how to read buyers and handling the closing.
In the end, the savings on commission may end up costing you more.
An agent likely works with a team of people who know this industry inside and out and have seen a lot over the years. A realtor is there to help make the process smooth and as pain-free as possible. If you were going in for major surgery, would you skip the anesthetics to save money? Additionally, you might be able to get considerably more money for your home with an agent which could offset the fee. Your buyer will likely have an agent, without one yourself, you’re giving the buyer an advantage.
Moreover, you must take into consideration the laws that govern your locale. If you should run in to problems, you will likely need assistance either from a real estate attorney (who does not handle marketing your property) or a qualified agent. If you have more questions about buying or selling your home, please contact our office at (614) 891. 9000 or email one of our loan officers, listed under Our Team at: OhioCapitalMortgage.com.
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Columbus Office
107 Commerce Park Drive, Suite B
Westerville, Ohio 43082
P: 614.891.9000
C: 614.580.9755
F: 614.474.5635